Nimpra has a composition of Paracetamol Infusion IP which belongs to a class of medicine called analgesic and antipyretic. This medicine is used to treat some pain and fever and pain is caused by the nervous system. Fever is a symptom of changes in body temperature that goes above the average temperature. Our average body temperature is 37 degrees and If this temperature goes above this then you feel pain and fever in your body.
Prostaglandins are a chemical messenger that is the cause of swelling and pain at the damaged sites. Paracetamol is used to recover the formation of this chemical messenger. Paracetamol directly works on the hypothalamic part of our brain which is the heat-regulating center for maintaining body temperature. If paracetamol is not safe for you then already tell your doctor because paracetamol has a different effects on different people so it may have side effects on your body.
If this medicine is taken without advice from the doctor then it causes some side effects. Most side effects of paracetamol are resolved after some time. Some common side effect of this product observed by our specialists is
Can paracetamol be safe for breastfeeding mothers?
Yes, it is safe for breastfeeding mothers but if not necessary. Then avoid consumption of this.
Can I do driving after taking this medicine?
Yes, you can do it because paracetamol does not affect your nervous system.
Can this medicine be safe for children?
Yes, this medicine is safe for children but after prescribed by a doctor with a correct limited dose.
I have a history of heart attacks, can I take this medicine now?
Paracetamol can give any side effects with other painkillers. So we advise you to avoid this with other medicine.
Brand Name | NIMPRA |
Composition | PARACETAMOL 1000 MG |
Pack Size | 100 ML |
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